About Addictions Recovery

At Insight Psychological, our specialized therapists are here to support you on your addiction recovery journey. Addiction is more common than you may think, as it is estimated that 21% of Canada's population will face an addiction or substance use disorder in their lifetime. Seeking help for addiction takes courage, and we are dedicated to offering a safe space and compassionate ear to help you reclaim your life. We are here to support you if you have concerns in the following areas that relate to addictions:
Recovery goes beyond abstaining from your compulsive behaviours. Addictions treatment offers the opportunity for a better quality of life reinforced by healthy habits and effective coping mechanisms. The Insight Psychological addictions team will work with your individual needs and provide a recovery plan suited to you. Armed with tools provided by our therapists, you will be able to work through and overcome triggering situations.
At Insight, we believe there is no shame in mental illness or addiction. We applaud you for taking action and choosing to manage and persevere through your substance or behavioural dependence issues and improve your mental wellness. If you are ready to get help for your addiction, please contact us – we would be honoured to support you on your journey to optimizing your life.
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Calgary, Online Counselling
Food/Eating Issues, Pornography Issues, Sex Compulsion/OCSB
What does Addictions Recovery look like?
In general, recovery will look slightly different from person to person. One reason for this is the difference between the substance and/or behaviour to which an individual is addicted. For example, recovery for an individual being treated for drug or substance abuse will be a different experience than that of an individual being treated for sex compulsion or OCSB. Additionally, individuals may experience differing motivation levels to undergo treatment and recovery because of what led them to reach out for help with their addiction. Sometimes, when the addiction problem is self-identified, this individual will be eager to take advantage of all of the recovery resources available.
Contrary to this, some individuals undergo the recovery process because someone close to them, whether a loved one, coworker, or employer, brought the addiction issue to light. These individuals may find it challenging to find the motivation and self-discipline needed to undergo addiction recovery. Regardless of what led an individual to seek addictions treatment or what substance or behaviour issue that individual is facing, the recovery process will consist of six stages as per the Transtheoretical Model of Change1
The Transtheoretical Model of Change, theorized by Prochaska, DiClemente, & Norcross consists of six stages: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance, and Termination. While some individuals in addictions treatment may go through these stages in a linear fashion, some individuals may have to revisit stages or find themselves in two stages at once during their recovery journey.
Lassiter PS, Culbreth JR. ( 2018). Theory and Practice of Addiction Counseling. SAGE Publications.
The Six Stages of Addiction Recovery

In this stage, the individual has not yet contemplated seeking help for their substance use or behavioural issue. In fact, they do not see their actions being an issue at all. This may be due to a lack of negative consequences stemming from the substance or behaviour. Conversely, the individual may be in a state of denial about their addiction and its severity and repercussions. Often in this stage, individuals will be exceptionally resistant to being advised to quit and will stand by their belief that they could stop their behaviour at any time.
Boca Detox Center. (2019, March 21). The 6 Stages of Change in Addiction Recovery. https://www.bocadetox.com/drug-detox-recovery-and-rehabilitation/stages-change-addiction-recovery/

When the contemplation stage is reached, the individual will begin to realize that their substance use or certain behavioural patterns are problematic. In many cases, the individual will want to make the necessary changes to overcome their addiction, but they may not feel ready to fully commit to recovery. An individual in this stage will be more receptive to the concerns and recovery advice from those around them, and will consider all of the options available to them. Sometimes individuals will revert to the precontemplation stage, but otherwise they will move on to preparation.
Lassiter PS, Culbreth JR. ( 2018). Theory and Practice of Addiction Counseling. SAGE Publications.

The preparation stage begins with an individual seeking professional help for assessment and creation of a treatment plan. Insight's team of experts are an exceptional tool at this stage as they can provide a wide range of treatments and, if needed, referrals to external resources that are catered to an individual's specific needs. At this point, the individual is ready to take action to overcome their addiction and may have already made some effort to reduce their problematic behaviour.
Lassiter PS, Culbreth JR. ( 2018). Theory and Practice of Addiction Counseling. SAGE Publications.

During the action stage, the individual is taking significant steps towards enduring change. Depending on the nature of the addiction, this may look like attending individual counselling sessions or group support meetings, starting a 12-step program, entering a detox phase and/or beginning other treatments. This stage can be particularly stressful, so it is imperative that the individual undergoing treatment has a strong support system of professionals and loved ones.
American Addiction Centers Editorial Staff. (2022, January 21). Stages of Change in the Recovery Process. American Addiction Centers. https://recovery.org/drug-treatment/recovery-process/

To continue abstaining from partaking in substance abuse or a certain set of behaviours, an individual who has completed the Action stage must be proactive and dedicated to lifelong recovery. This may look like continuing to utilize coping mechanisms learned in treatment, ongoing attendance of group support meetings, and/or regular individual or group counselling. At this stage, the individual is especially vulnerable to relapse. Thus, continuing to participate in these protocols, programs and treatments will be important for a successful and enduring recovery.
American Addiction Centers Editorial Staff. (2022, January 21). Stages of Change in the Recovery Process. American Addiction Centers. https://recovery.org/drug-treatment/recovery-process/

In the Termination stage, an individual's problematic behavioural urges or substance use habits are no longer a concern. Some individuals may never reach a true termination stage, as there may be certain circumstances or situations where cravings or urges are still triggered. Therefore, it is possible that a successful recovery may end in the Maintenance stage.
American Addiction Centers Editorial Staff. (2022, January 21). Stages of Change in the Recovery Process. American Addiction Centers. https://recovery.org/drug-treatment/recovery-process/