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What is Addiction?

Image by Mikail Duran

An addiction is considered a disease. Addictions are often accompanied by mental illness. An addict has a strong and irresistible physiological and emotional need to obtain whatever substance or behaviour in which they are addicted. Once the need is satisfied, it often doesn’t stay that way for very long and the addict is in search of the next opportunity to obtain the substance or participate in the behaviour. These addictions come at a cost. Addiction takes a huge toll on the addict’s physical and mental health, as well as their families, other relationships, job, school and communities.

Symptoms & Signs of Addiction

  • Loss of control

  • Believing you are in control when your behaviour suggests otherwise

  • Obsession or preoccupation with the behaviour or substance you crave

  • Destructive behaviour (to self or others)

  • Repeated, unsuccessful attempts to quit

  • Feeling irritable

  • Feeling desperate when you are unable to satisfy your urge

  • Satisfying your addiction in secret, or when you are alone

  • Physical signs of withdrawal when unable to satisfy addiction

Insight therapists have experience treating many
different kinds of addiction including:

When is it time to get help?

If your life is being consumed by a need to satisfy your need for a substance or a behaviour, and you are unable to stop – it’s time to get professional help. Perhaps your loved ones, friends or co-workers have approached you with concerns about your addiction, if so, it’s time to get help. If you just don’t want to spend another day feeling out of control and don’t know how to make the changes necessary to do so – it’s time to get help!

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